
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change: Week 4 Update

My SMART goal is to turn of the lights in my bedroom every time I leave the room. This week I was successful 90% of the time. On Wednesday I was trying to pack, do laundry, and make dinner so for the two hours I was downstairs doing that, I left my light on.

This week I rarely had to think about turning off my lights, which means it is more of a habit for me now! My strategy has always been to just think before I leave my room. I'm sure unconsciously I still think about turning my lights off but it's awesome that I'm not having to remind myself about it all the time. The challenge that I faced this week was that when I got really busy and stressed, I forgot to turn off my lights. I think its natural to forget to do things when your stressed or running around but I'm going to try and slow things down, take a breath, and I hope that will help me remember everything I am supposed to be doing.

I felt successful again this week and happy that I was achieving my goal. When I forgot to turn of my light it made me feel more stressed. It was a feeling of like great, what else am I forgetting to do. Other then that one mishap I am excited that this is really turning into a habit!

What I learned this week is that even though I felt like it was a habit, I'm not quite there yet. During times when I am rushed and busy I need to just stop and think. I learned that it's ok to remind myself about my lights. I need to look at reminding myself as a positive instead of thinking about it as taking a step back.

Last week I challenged myself to turn off the power bar in my room whenever it is not being used. I had success with this, but I think it might be partly due to the fact that I was away from Thursday  to Sunday. On Monday when I was back home I left it on all day. Once I realized it was on, I turned it off and I was successful again on Tuesday.

This week I am going to stick with my SMART goal and I am going to keep the same challenge. I will be home this weekend which will allow me to really see how I do with turning off my power bar.


  1. I am anxious to hear how your weekend went with your SMART goal. =) I'm glad that your goal is becoming a habit. Don't ever feel stressed out that you forgot. We are human and we make mistakes and can be forgetful. You are still working on it and succeeding at accomplishing a great goal.

    I have been yelling at my youngest a LOT lately as she seems to need at least six lights on to get from her bedroom to the basement. It drives me BONKERS!!!!!! I think I'll tell her about your SMART goal and see if she can do the same thing. =)

  2. I'm glad to hear that things went so well this week for you! Good luck with turning your power bar off this weekend.

  3. Good job Haley! I think it is definitely understandable to forget sometimes but it sounds like you're making a large effort and doing very well. Also good job remembering to turn off the power strip! Last week I commented that I have been trying to remember to do that too, I have not been very successful, I think I turned it off once in the past week, I'll try harder this week!
