
Monday, October 3, 2011

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change: My SMART Goal

My Eco-Chic lifestyle change is going to focus on limiting my use of electricity. Being a college student we sometimes forget to turn things off, or don't realize how much energy some items use. There is also the  money issue that college students face, so why not save a few dollars while at the same time making the environment a cleaner place to live. 

My SMART goal is: Over the next ten weeks, everyday I will turn off all the lights in my bedroom whenever it is not being used.

This lifestyle change is eco-chic because turning off my lights can help save energy. When you leave your lights on when you are not in the room, energy is being wasted and this is harming our environment. The energy we use comes from somewhere like a power plant which releases large amounts of greenhouse gases. This small change can reduce your electric bill, energy usage, and shrink your carbon footprint! 

I chose this lifestyle change because I think it is something very attainable. When I started to think about what lifestyle change I was going to do, I realized I was sitting in my living room and almost every light in the house was on. It is a very small change and I think it can become a habit of mine... with some practice of course! If I can limit a small percentage of energy I use everyday, then I can reduce the amount of greenhouse gases that are released everyday into our environment. That reduction will brighten my day! 


  1. This is also something that I need to work on. I tend to be the roommate that turns on all of the lights because I hate being in the dark, and I usually end up forgetting to turn them off! Hopefully after keeping up with your blog I will remember that I need to be doing what you're doing!

  2. I have a teenager. She thinks she needs to have six lights on just to get from the kitchen to her room. It drives me BATTY!!!!!! I yell at her all the time to turn the lights off. She is getting better and the power bill is decreasing, but it takes a while to remember to turn them off. Good luck...I'm sure you'll succeed.
