
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change:Week 3 Update

This week I did a much better job with my Eco-Chic lifestyle change goal. YAA!! My SMART goal is that over the next ten weeks, everyday I will turn off all the lights in my bedroom whenever it is not being used. Last week, as you read I had a few challenges and bumps along the way. This week I was perfect! Every time I left my room, the lights were turned off. I even got into such a routine of turning them off that even when I just went to the bathroom, which is only 5 steps away, I still turned them off!

This week my success outweighs my challenges. Although I was "perfect" there were still times when I left my room only to realize I left my light on. This week I realized I left it on just shortly after leaving my room (literally like 5 steps)! I would then just turn around and simply turn it off before leaving my room for an extended period of time. I think what helped me be successful this week was making it a habit. I didn't really PRACTICE turning my light off but repeatedly turning it off every time I left my room helped me make turning my lights off a a new habit of mine!

Even though turning off your lights might seem like a small accomplishment, I still felt like I was achieving something and it made me feel good! Last week I felt a bit of anger when I forgot to turn my lights off, but this week the anger was gone and I felt successful and happy every time I pulled the cord to turn off my lights. I didn't think that every time I left my room I would feel like I was succeeding because I had turned off my lights, but I did!

What I have learned this week is that doing something over and over again can really help make a life-style change a new habit. I also realized that this is something that I don't just want to change over the next ten weeks, but I want to make it something that I do for the rest of my life. Something so simple yet it has such great rewards with both saving money on the electrical bill and becoming more environmentally friendly.

Looking at my SMART goal and the success I had this week I want to continue to work on this goal and hopefully one day I won't even think of turning off my light as achieving a goal and get to the point where I don't even have to think about it. I also want to challenge myself more this week. I have a power bar in my room where I plug in my computer, cell phone, and table light. This week I want to turn off my power bar whenever it is not being used! Although sometimes my light isn't on, computer or cell phone isn't charging, the power bar is still on and is therefore still using electricity. This week I will continue to turn off my light whenever I leave my room, but will also turn off my power bar when it is not being used!


  1. It's funny how easy it is to turn lights off once you get into a habit of it. A couple of years ago I was so diligent about it that I would end up bumbling around in the dark at night rather than turning on a light to see where I was going. I've definitely deviated from my former ways, but can see myself getting back to that point again.

    It's hard to get into the habit of unplugging things when they're not in use, I myself am pretty awful at it. I wish you good luck in overcoming this!

  2. Good job keeping up with your goal! It also sounds like a really good idea to turn off your power strip when you aren't using it. I try to do this too but 3 out of the 5 week days I forget to turn it off when I leave for school.

  3. Wow, way to go beyond your original goal and strive for something more! I think turning off your power bar is a great idea and it's easy! Keep up the great work Haley :)

  4. Awesome job Haley!! I also love the fact that you want to turn off your power bar. I once heard that items such as a power bar that have a red (or orange) light on them do consume a lot of power. I have two dehumidifiers in my house that run in the basement during the entire summer. I have to remember to unplug them during the winter so they do not draw unnecessary power. Thanks for your little reminder to unplug the power bar as I just now remembered to unplug the dehumidifiers. Keep up the great work.
